
Re: Historyical footnote only (Score: 3, Interesting)

by in The hypothetical rescue of the Columbia - and its effects on NASA's future missions on 2014-02-27 05:02 (#7D)

Those were my thoughts as well. The Columbia crash was a tragedy, but there really wasn't enough information at the time to predict that outcome. It would have been very difficult to remedy had they known for sure. I feel like if they had attempted the rescue with so many corners cut for expediency, they would have most likely lost 2 shuttles instead of one.

Just saw this on SoylentNews (Score: 1)

by in Soylent News has launched! on 2014-02-19 22:58 (#2Z)

Saw someone post a comment about Pipedot, and stopped by to say this site looks great and feels very snappy. I agree with someone who said we don't need one monolithic website, although it would be cool to have the best of both worlds. I guess I'll check out both sites for the time being.